Sunday, December 18, 2011

White Trash.

Known as Christmas Crack around here.

And the recipe is quite simple;

2 cups peanuts
2 cups pretzels
2 cups M&M's
2 cups Chex
2 cups Cheerios
1 pound of White Almond Bark/Baker's Chocolate.

Mix all the dry ingredients together.
Melt chocolate.
Add to dry mixture.
Mix well AND quickly. The chocolate begins to harden fairly quickly.
Pour onto wax paper to let the mix harden.
Break apart and store in airtight container.

I hear  this can be stored for up to two weeks, but it NEVER makes it that long in this house.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Holiday Ornament Garland

Shown in the picture of the white Christmas tree, there was a multi-colored garland very much like the one in the video below.

I think I shall be adding this to next year's tree, I love the way it looks.

And low-cost? Even better.

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas


I already have my tree up or else it would be a white tree Christmas this year.

I lucked out and got a 6.5' White Tree from the Recycling Center Saturday. In the box even.

The Recycling Center in my town has a free table. Which is actually a set of sheds. One shed has larger items like furniture. The other shed has mostly books and household items.

I love the free table. It's like a yard sale, but free. Yep. I wrote Free.

People bring things they no longer use or want and drop them off here. Often it is the things they could not sell at their yard sale.

Anyway, apparently someone changed their mind about their Christmas color scheme.

I am so glad.