Friday, March 21, 2014

Thursday, March 20, 2014

First Up, A Family Favorite: Superheroes

I am all for being a superhero. The kiddos have all done their share of hero dress up as well.

I found this cute kit in an ad in Wondertime.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Don't Hate Me, But I'm Starting My Christmas Shopping

always start early. Or I always used to.

For several reasons, and unless you've been here before, you may think I am insane. But I also usually have all my gifts wrapped by Halloween.

  1. Budget. Mine is very small already. In the past, almost without fail, something major has occurred around the holidays and my holiday budget is gone.
  2. Being Thoughtful. I really try to give thoughtful gifts. I think it's working. My nephew told my sister that I always give him the best presents. I don't see him a lot. So I am cool with being Awesome Aunt.
  3. Holiday Rush and Crowds. No thanks. An extra $5 off isn't worth never finding a parking space. Nothing being in stock that I wanted to buy. Or being too tired to do the fun stuff, like stories and baking cookies.  
I am working up a list. I have ordered a few things and hopefully by the end of the month I can recommend some really cool stuff.

I also am working up a list of really cool stuff that I am not ordering, but have found somehow in my internet travels.

So, join me?