Monday, December 22, 2014

A Good Idea

I have been trying to get Munchkin to weed out a few toys. She has not been very receptive.

I think I'll bring this one into play AFTER Christmas....

Friday, December 19, 2014

Losing the Meaning a Little?

My husband said we overdo the Christmas gifts, that we should cut back next year. 

So, I've been perusing other ideas from other families.

The ones I like best;

For Christmas; 1 gift you want, 1 gift you need, 1 you'll wear and 1 you'll read. I like that. My kids are not huge list makers, so I improvise. 

1 box on Christmas Eve. Has pajamas, hot chocolate, popcorn, a movie, a book, and an ornament. They get to put their ornament on the tree, we make popcorn and hot chocolate, snuggle in the pjs and watch the movie. Then they get the books read to them at bedtime.

I also found this article.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Ho, Ho, Ho...No, No, No

The plan? A meet and greet with Santa, no lap, no picture....just see him and maybe when we come back next week for photos there would be no freak-out.

We got there super early, saw Santa and Mrs Claus arrive in street clothes. She smiled, waved. I'm thinking, yay! Victory!


The Santa Encounter video...du du duuuuuuuuu No, No, No

Big sister excited for Santa. Baby actually seems excited to go, safety in numbers, right?


Busy Elves, Slacking Mama

everyone saying how creepy the elves are....


karate chopping out of the loft

more lights!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1st......and I'm Done.

A Christmas Miracle, indeed.

I have not been so together this year, despite all good intentions and planning.

But, Christmas? I was mega-super organized and focused. By Black Friday, I did it all; The tree was up and decorated, all the store-bought presents are wrapped. I even mailed out my Christmas postcards.

Went with this little guy.

The Elves on the Shelf arrived; with a baby!

And they got busy right away;

For the first time in a few years, all I have to do now is the fun stuff.