Sunday, November 29, 2015

Friday, November 27, 2015

My Very First Very Simple Christmas

Bitty and I find ourselves once again on our own.

I bought a tree, but we don't have many decorations.

I don't think she minded in the least.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Baby's Tree

Her sister had her very own tree at this age.

It's a smart thing to do actually for one main reason; she doesn't undecorate the main tree. She just decorates and redecorates hers over and over.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Again With the Santa Avoidance

My child is afraid of Santa.

Itty Bitty has been excited, almost to the point of mania to see Santa. Her plan? To tell him she was good, that she wanted a piano, and of course, to take a picture.

We arrived early and were the first people in line to see Santa. Barely was able to contain my child, she kept trying to slip under the fence to go seek out Santa out. She told the elves of the day's plan. They loved her enthusiasm.

And then, it was announced he was on his way. Look, I say, ready with the camera to catch her look of joy, awe. Bloodcurdling shriek.

Yes, the child that had sweet talked her way behind the roped off area to be SURE to get to Santa before anyone else was now in full blown terror. Practically throwing herself into my arms, burying her face in my shoulder.

Obviously we let the family behind us go first. The elves and I thought maybe seeing another child sit there with him first, would work. She did peek at Santa. But refused to go anywhere NEAR Santa.

We grabbed a snack and watched from a safe distance.

The thing is, Itty Bitty still really wanted to see Santa. She just didn't want to TALK to him anymore. I told her it was okay, we could write him a letter. 

Then she came up with her own solution, and incidentally mine. She asked if we could have a picture OF Santa, not with Santa, but of him. 

We went to the counter. Santa turned to her, and waved. She hid her face, but waved back. I explained her request to the head elf of the day, that she still wanted a Santa picture. She went to Santa with this request. And then Santa had a brilliant idea. He got up and left. My child said Bye, Santa and waved. 

The elf suggested Itty Bitty come sit in Santa's chair. And she did. She was blissfully unaware that Santa had returned and was now standing behind her.

She covered her ears, but she wasn't crying. Hey, last year she covered her eyes. Maybe 2016 is covering the mouth. 

They asked me if they could use my photo as the sample, for an alternate pose with Santa. For kids like her, who really wanted to overcome their fear of Santa, but just couldn't. I love that idea. 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

When You Let the Dinosaurs Get Christmas Going

Dinovember apparently is more amusing to myself than my child. 

So, this morning's antics were breaking out the Christmas Coundown calendar.