Saturday, December 1, 2012

A Non Elf on The Shelf

My first choice just had no form, a beanbag with a head actually.

So I found a new one.

Meet Holly.

I went to an elf name generator and LOL'd at the choices I was given.

Ginger Van Stinkylips

And so forth. 

So I decided to make it a little less like elf porn and just went with Holly. 

Then I spent the afternoon sewing her a traveling outfit.

I had all sorts of plans for Holly. To be the hilarious, elf on the shelf shenanigans mom.

Then I had a reality check. 

I am NOT that mom. Not this year for sure. I am the complete opposite of organized this year.

So I now have a new Christmas doll. 

Itty Bitty sure loved her. In fact, as with everything these days; she tried to eat her.

I am just sticking to the old You better be good, Santa is watching you type deal. My own mother used lights to sway me into being good. All year.

The dots on the wall from reflected sunlight, were elves. Checking to see if I was being good. 

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