Saturday, August 6, 2016

Tick Tock, My Internal Christmas Clock

It is early August and I am halfway done with my shopping.

I think I've glossed over the details about the hunt at times. Saying it's all in the planning, keep lists with sizing, interests about everyone on the list. But now, the kiddos on my list have hit that uncomplicated stage where they like the creative kits. Arts. Crafts. Science.

Now I just look for the extremely good deals.

Where I Go

Goodwill. No, I am not buying used things to give people. Unless it's something of the collectibles variety. You know we all have at least one, a relative that collects figurines or vintage buttons or whatever. However, you'd be surprised at how many new in the box things get donated. Probably gifts from a relative that didn't have my innate skill of being the best gift giver ever.

Plus you'll find new rolls of wrapping paper, bags of vintage ornaments. Here, it is all about going early on new arrival days and being able to browse. Your local store has deliveries from the distribution center.

Get friendly with an associate or two and they'll tell you the scoop. What days they get new things coming out. The days that they switch over to the half-price color code. But sometimes you REALLY have to be able to dig in. And not be shy. Lurk near the doors to pounce on the new carts they roll out from the back.

Helpful hints: Best done without your little people in tow. The sales associates do not care if you do this, as long as you don't be a slob about it. If they wheel out a new cart and you take all the stuff, it's less work for them. However, if you decide it's not what you wanted after all, and they've returned to the back with their little goody cart? Put the discard where it goes.

Kohls and Target. Hands down, the BEST clearance sales. They happen often, and they go low, low, low. Watch those endcap deals.

And then this is where the lists come in. If you have adopted my planning tool; your handy dandy Christmas notebook. As you collect your steals and deals, assign them to whoever you had in mind for them when you grabbed them.

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