Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Out of the Mouths of Babes

The Munchkin, who still has toys in BOXES, is already counting down to Christmas.

Today? 356 days, 12 hours, blah, blah.

As for me, I am rethinking my plans for world dom...Christmas organization.

I was the poster child for unpreparedness for Christmas 2012.

I need structure, dammit.

So, a big change for Christmas 2013.

Coordinating wrapping is out. Same with coded paper for the family, the helper elf was a terrible helper. He brought home exactly ONE roll of wrapping paper from the clearance racks. One.

I know, it's not life-threatening or anything, but I have become the most unorganized mess and it annoys me. I like having all my ducks in a row.

I like not having to wrap presents on Christmas Eve.

Or staying up till 1 a.m. on Christmas morning because I got behind and didn't finish making some stuff. Stuff that was to be given out on Christmas morning. 

Plan B!


So far, these are the favorites.

Including, a yeah, right one.

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