Friday, November 4, 2011

Color Coding Presents

 Yes, I am Serious. Can you tell that I am an organizing diva yet?

Wrapping paper. Every person, in your immediate family, gets a color. Or a pattern.  I am a dork and went with the matchy-matchy rolls in the multi-packs. The ones I have been using for the last few years are blues. The Spawn has snowflakes. The Munchkin, snowmen. The Mister, stripes. Myself, holiday words.

I bought the chosen multi-pack rolls by the cart full once they hit the clearance section. I read about this tip years ago. This eliminates the need for tags. I also usually do not use ribbons or bows.

For friends and relations, I do a completely different set of paper. Or bags. These I do use tags for.

If you end up getting solids or a non-Christmas pattern, you can also use your stash during the year.

So far. Not too bad, considering it is November 4.

I also keep a list of what I have already wrapped.

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