Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New Tradition.

Like it or not, the way I did the tree this year was perfect for the family.

I had uninterrupted time to put the tree up and fluff it.

Thanksgiving night I brought down all the Christmas decor, and having recently reorganized the attic, this was easy-breezy compared to previous years. I put the lights on the tree.

Black Friday was spent at home, I am not one to brave the madness of THAT retail nightmare. We decorated the tree, as a family, before lunch.

Then I put all the presents under the tree.

So here I am, on November 30th with the tree done. The decorating is almost done. Thank goodness the shopping is done. Everything is wrapped. Now I can work on the crafty items I wanted to make for Christmas. As gifts, and just because I think they are cute for the holidays.

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